
Mar 18, 2019 Mar 18, 2019

Dorsey Development Companies Announces Construction Completions and Commencements

2019-03-18T16:06:57+00:00 March 18th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Dorsey Development Companies, LLC (General Contractor) has broken ground on two new build-to-suit locations for the Dollar General Corporation - the sites include one in Jackson, Mississippi and another in Parachute, Colorado. Dorsey’s Vice President of Construction, John “Danny” Boyd, Jr. announced the commencement of construction this week. The Mississippi and Colorado locations are the first to be built in-house by Dorsey’s Construction Team.  Both locations will be

Feb 1, 2019 Feb 1, 2019

Meghan Reed, Property Manager, Joins BPOE Lodge #30

2019-02-01T16:23:32+00:00 February 1st, 2019|Uncategorized|

  Dorsey Development congratulates Meghan Reed (pictured on right) on her recent initiation into the Benevolent and Protective Order of the Elks Lodge #30, New Orleans, Louisiana. The Elks is one of the largest and most active fraternal organization in the United States. Elks invest in their communities through programs that help the youth, the needy, Veteran Services and other benevolent activities. [ Visit Elks #30] Meghan is excited

Nov 29, 2018 Nov 29, 2018

Dorsey Development Attends the RFDC Convention in Las Vegas

2018-11-29T14:23:20+00:00 November 29th, 2018|Uncategorized|

Members of Dorsey Development’s QSR Program attended the Restaurant Finance Development Conference (RFDC) annual convention in Las Vegas – held at the Wynn Hotel on November 12-14.  Top lenders, brokers, investors, and developers met to discuss the state of the industry and to discuss capital needs for restaurant growth. The QSR sector is experiencing continued growth in units.  National and regional brands continue to sign multiunit franchise agreements

Aug 2, 2018 Aug 2, 2018

Permit Specialist, Ed Voltolina Graduates the FBI Academy

2018-08-03T12:49:28+00:00 August 2nd, 2018|Uncategorized|

Dorsey Development congratulates Ed Voltolina, Permit Specialist, [pictured right] on his recent graduation from the New Orleans Division of the FBI Citizens Academy.  The Academy is a community outreach program developed by the FBI to educate citizens on the day-to-day operation of the different divisions within the Agency. Over a 7-week period, the class enjoyed presentations by division heads, including case studies and question and answer periods.  The